Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I had to blow dry my ass!!!

  It rained two nights ago.    I go to work the following morning, get out of my car and my rear feels cold... like butterball turkey cold.  I reached back to give it a rub...and my whole ass is wet.  Strange really because I dont remember peeing my pants in the car on the way to the gallery, nor were my windows down during the rain storms.  So I call Kev to tell him that my ass is wet and he tells me that my DRAIN HOLE is clogged.....WHAAT!?!?!   I have a hole I didnt know about and it is clogged and leaking into my drivers seat...SERIOUSLY.     My sunroof leaked...apparently my DRAIN HOLE is clogged. Just saying DRAIN HOLE makes me laugh...teeheee.

So while I am blow drying my dairy air, the mailman brings me a letter from my internet provider letting me know that someone illegally downloaded a copy of Despicable Me and that NBC Universal wants to sue me for copyright infringement...LMAO...WHAAT WHAAAT????  That is what wireless internet and giving out my password  to a few unmetionables will do for you.

Wait for it, WAIT FOR IT........
Who needs business cards and a front door sign
 when you have an ad like this!!!!

SOOOO, after  all the drama and the chaos of the morning, I was soooo thankful to see that my high tech advertising on the side of Kiko's Yukon was still working for me with all the bad weather we had...LMAAAAAAOOOOOO  

I have so much more to tell you my lovlies...but for now.. there is a cup of coffee and a 4' x 2' canvas calling my name!!!!

Almost forgot,  Kelly yells at me when I don't post a painting on here.

OHHH love me some Hydrangias!!!! 
 This painting is one of my palette knife paintings and is 12x12 and will
 be listed on Etsy today for $95.00.

I just looooove how creamy the paint looks
 when done with the knife

Hope you love it!!!

Love Kathleen


  1. To Funny!!!!!!

    Unfortunately my car is going to be washed tomorrow. So much for cheap advertising.

    Great Blog.

  2. Lovely painting!
    I'll just pass on comments about the clogged drain hole.

