Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I had to blow dry my ass!!!

  It rained two nights ago.    I go to work the following morning, get out of my car and my rear feels cold... like butterball turkey cold.  I reached back to give it a rub...and my whole ass is wet.  Strange really because I dont remember peeing my pants in the car on the way to the gallery, nor were my windows down during the rain storms.  So I call Kev to tell him that my ass is wet and he tells me that my DRAIN HOLE is clogged.....WHAAT!?!?!   I have a hole I didnt know about and it is clogged and leaking into my drivers seat...SERIOUSLY.     My sunroof leaked...apparently my DRAIN HOLE is clogged. Just saying DRAIN HOLE makes me laugh...teeheee.

So while I am blow drying my dairy air, the mailman brings me a letter from my internet provider letting me know that someone illegally downloaded a copy of Despicable Me and that NBC Universal wants to sue me for copyright infringement...LMAO...WHAAT WHAAAT????  That is what wireless internet and giving out my password  to a few unmetionables will do for you.

Wait for it, WAIT FOR IT........
Who needs business cards and a front door sign
 when you have an ad like this!!!!

SOOOO, after  all the drama and the chaos of the morning, I was soooo thankful to see that my high tech advertising on the side of Kiko's Yukon was still working for me with all the bad weather we had...LMAAAAAAOOOOOO  

I have so much more to tell you my lovlies...but for now.. there is a cup of coffee and a 4' x 2' canvas calling my name!!!!

Almost forgot,  Kelly yells at me when I don't post a painting on here.

OHHH love me some Hydrangias!!!! 
 This painting is one of my palette knife paintings and is 12x12 and will
 be listed on Etsy today for $95.00.

I just looooove how creamy the paint looks
 when done with the knife

Hope you love it!!!

Love Kathleen

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Gallery Off Broadway is now on BLOGGER!

Had it not been for an eight-year-olds birthday party in 2009, the unique vision behind The Gallery Off Broadway may not have been born. "I never thought I would teach art lessons, not did it ever occur to me that I may open my own art gallery," said Kathleen Fenton owner and artist of the The Gallery Off Broadway. In the midst of her daughter's birthday party, Kathleen found herself helping the little girls draw and showing them her pastel works and paintings in her home studio. "It occurred to me after one of these slumber parties that these little girls were excited to learn how to draw and paint," said Kathleen, "and I was just as excited to teach them."
   Kathleen, who started her vision with Hearts Full of Hope Art Academy, has taken the whole art experience to a brand new level by opening The Gallery Off Broadway in downtown Excelsior Springs. There are a variety of unique classes held monthly for everyone including, Young Picasso's for the youth, and Corkscrews & Canvas for the adults. The Gallery also hosts a variety of special events, such as kid's camps, birthday parties, corporate events, wedding and baby showers, holiday parties, and international retreats to name a few. In addition to the fun classes and events, there is artwork from artist from around the world showcased in the gallery.
Studio Hours:
   The Studio is available any day or evening for Private Parties! You must have 10 people to book a Corkscrews & Canvas class. To inquire about our private parties email Kathleen Fenton .
   At the Gallery Off Broadway, we have workshops and retreats, art shows and parties on a monthly basis and I have finally decided to join my fellow artists on Etsy.

Love, Kathleen