Thursday, August 23, 2012


ANYWAY....Soooooo as some of you may know I have created some characters for the Baltimore Bend Winery Christmas Wine Lables " Kris Kringle".  This will be my third year doing it with no end in sight.  To catch you up, year one Kris was calm and cute and full of his usual Christmas cheer and VERY politically my standards anyway....YES I KNOW I HAVE LOW STANDARDS.....but I try to use my "what would Keith Do" button in times of dire need.

Kris Kringle Year 2010

Kris Kringle 2011
ANYWAY, Kris was lonely and so year two I gave him a counterpart if you will.... and let me tell you... not only is his wardrobe quite stylish, but that reindeer LIKES HIS WINE!!! These guys are a perfect besties, like me and Kiko.  Kris is all calm and organized, and the Reindeer is well.... NOT...guess which character represents me the best..LOL
Well there is no peeking  this year but I will tell you that  the characters have been up to their usual carrying on and as a result, Kris MAYBE  has had a weeeeeee bit to much to drink during the "finally got all the presents delivered to all the little darlins party"   but  he is NOT driving.  I will also tell you that due to a sluggish economy and gas prices, the Kris Kringle LLC made an executive decision with regards to the mode of transportation in which said presents get delivered. 
The new label goes to print next week I believe and just for fun, this year we are NOT GIVING YOU A PREVIEW!!. BUUUUT.... to lesson the blow of that news...... we will let you  know that we are having a LAUNCH PARTY at the Gallery Off Broadway. .... ART CRAWL NIGHT ......SECOND FRIDAY..... NOVEMBER 9th....FROM 5:00 TIL WE ARE DONE!!!!!  Baltimore Bend Winery will be attending to SAMPLE AND SELL the first bottles of KRIS KRINGLE to the public. I will be signing bottles, AND AND AAAANNNNNDD.....this year we will also have limited edition prints of the past two years and cards and some other things like T SHIRTS!!!" I GOT MY HOLIDAY ON AT THE GALLERY OFF BROADWAY!!!"  and a "NAME THAT REINDEER CONTEST"  WHOOOHOO!!!
I have to go paint usual right...teehee.
Happy Creating!!!
Love Kathleen 

1 comment:

  1. So cool! I will try to be there for at least part of it...gotta go find my calendar...
