Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Aspen.... AMAZING!!!

Yup, Aspen was AMAZING!!! The Views were beyond words to describe. The weather was PERFECT. We saw a rainbow every day we were there...Aminals and wildlife EVERYWHERE!!..... and we sold tons of art. OH.... and I woke up Monday morning to see my face on the FRONT PAGE OF THE ASPEN PAPER!!!  What more can you ask for?!

I know I am waaay new at this.  Aspen was my first out of state art show and only my second PRO show  to boot.  I am certain that I have rose colored glasses on as I watch the other artists who have been doing this for 25 years or more... but I am not taking them off.  I have to give a shout out to the Howard Alan group that put on this show.  From where I was standing, it was a well oiled machine.  I own a business, and understand how things work.  I have had no issues so far with anyone on this circuit... in fact.. I am LOVING IT!!  Set up was a breeze besides a one hour delay in getting in the area... tear down was also a breeze despite a bit of rain right when that was to begin.  I thought the crowd was promising, and had lots of folks stop to chat with me about my art.  Everyone seemed to be impressed with the quality of the body of work that all the artists brought to the table and I have to say sales were where we thought they should be... coming from a green horn... I know... but still.  I will put Aspen on my map year after year for sure... LOVE LOVE LOVE the town and the whole package.  Thanks Howard for giving me a reason to see it!!!

The first place we stopped was Lookout Mountain... I was in  flip flops hiking down this ridge to get a great shot... SCARY...

We saw a  rainbow every day of the trip.  It rained everyday at four in the afternoon for about ten minutes.. then went back to clear skys and rainbows.

Day One... my booth shot.  Trying to get the hang of it.  It is nerve racking to think of placement for each painting and only have so much room and betting that someone will love a piece as much as you do. 

My tent is the best of both worlds... the mountains and the beach... WHY would you live anywhere else is what I keep asking myself.  Side one.. MOUNTAINS

Shot Two... BEACH BABY!!

The view from my tent was amazing... Mountians in each direction you could look... Could not have asked for better conditions for this show really. 

Frisco... this is where I will be the second weekend of August...Another Howard Alan Event.... can not WAIT to see it up close again.

I have 28 paintings to bang out between now and next Wednesday.. I will try to post daily my progress and  will also try to FORCE myself to blog during the show this time..   teeehee.. dicipline,,, not my favorite FOUR letter word at ALL!!!

Happy Creating!!
Love Kathleen

1 comment:

  1. This looks fantastic, nice to see your two kind of paintings..How lucky you are to take a part in a show like that.
