Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Oh my goodness.  I am so excited to share the news.  I have been invited to join Griffith Fine Art Gallery in Salado Texas.  Here is the thing.  It is not just any old sir.  This is the big league.  This is "The Show".  This is the hub for all of the serious collectors in Texas.  Right down the street you will see a sign that says Guy Harvey and a little further down you will see a sign that says" Thomas Kinkade. "    It is kind of a big deal.  Kay Griffith is the owner and has been invited to THE SHOW just recently.  Her abstracts have been chosen by the top art gallery in New York and she will have an event and reception there in May. Crystal Orlando is another artist in the group who the magazines are saying "Is in the top ten young artists to watch" category.   I feel very honored to be part of such an amazing group of artists.   There was an energy that was quite intoxicating  as we all sat around chatting and getting to know one another.  I believe we will achieve great things together....and somehow feel like we will have the last laugh so to speak. 
Here are three of the six paintings Kay decided to take on.   Kay has them priced at 1550.00 each.  I may have stepped up a bit this weekend...LOL. 

The Salado Wildflower Art Show.  What can I tell you?  hmmmmmm.  NEVER SIGH UP for this one.  On a scale of one to ten stars... I give it NEGATIVE THIRTY SEVEN STARS.  The promoter did not even stay for the second day. They only had 29 booths.   They did not advertise or something because the people did not come.  They charged me a jury fee, and the guy next to me was selling in the hell do you jury salsa?  They also let the library set up two tents over.  I don't know about you, but if I think I am going to an ART SHOW... I am thinking I am going to see some art and this was a flea market at best, which may be why everyone stayed home.    I didn't sell a thing at the show.  I did however get tracked down by a gal who saw me on the first day and she had to take two paintings home with her from the parking lot of my hotel.  ... so I didn't get
My next show is in Springfield Mo the first weekend of May.  Plenty of time to just keep painting and get the new hush hush "Art Cave"  location rolling and broke in the way I want it.  Yes...I did say new location.  teehee.  That is all the info I have for now. 
Happy Creating!!!
Love Kathleen

Friday, March 15, 2013


Here is the thing......I am lazy.  This is why I don't blog about every last detail in my world, well that and my publicist told me to keep my mouth shut..LOL.

ANYWAY.... I hate having to spend several days on a painting.  This one kicked my butt.  Really more so because I am in transition from being basically off for the last several months to it being show time.  This year I am starting two months early and have added new states to my tour.  Can I tell you that I still get goosebumps when a show invites me?  Especially when they get over three thousand apps and are only accepting 140-250 artists of every medium.  My goal is to NEVER loose that feeling and to always be excited.  With the excitement,  comes that voice in the back of my head screaming "ARE YOU CRAZY?"  Last year I did six shows...this year I have 18 weekends slotted for shows all over the Midwest.  This year change is coming.  This year will either make me or break me...good thing that I am meaner than I look..LOL. 

So here is the painting that I have been cursing at for the last few days.  If I wasn't so spun out, It would have been done in one day...but I feel a bit rusty lately.


"Afternoon Stroll"
72" x 60"
Okay, I have several more paintings to finish.
Happy Creating!!!
Love Kathleen

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

new paintings

My heart loves the sea.  It used to just be the coast in Texas around Port Aransas....but after being in the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean...I have decided that I just love it all.  I love the wind, and the smell of salt and the sun and the sound of the birds.  I love the motion and the taste of salt in the air.  It calms my soul like no other place.  This painting is a representation of just that.  The textures symbolise the waves coming into shore and the foaming waters that are a result of that.  The colors are calming and it just makes me want to smile. 

"The Many Waves Of My Soul"
40" x 40"
I am off to paint more now,

Happy Creating!!
Love Kathleen

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's Show time....

Oh how I love to go to art shows.  This year I have applied to so many I have lost count.... Why so many you ask?  BECAUSE GETTING JURIED IS LIKE TRYING TO WIN MISS USA WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT SIZE BUTT YOU HAVE TO HAVE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN,,
                        ,,,(  hmmm settles back down and smooths hair after yelling)

Seriously people, the whole jury process is nearly impossible so you have to put in for several shows per weekend and hope that when they start throwing darts, your balloon gets popped. 

So after a long period of NOT INVITED notices, ( ...five in a row...WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE...LOL) ........ I got two invites in a row...for the same weekend... ONE AT THE BEACH...the other still in Texas.  Was one of the worst decisions I have had to make..LOL. On one hand, there is my beloved beach in Corpus Christi.. on the other hand is allllll the high end galleries in Salado, one of which I have been in before.   So in three weeks we are off to Salado Texas for the first show on my season.
 I really feel like my art has evolved from last year.

Yesterday was spent putting panels up to see what parts we needed and hanging canvas to see what I have left to paint for the event.  It is not so bad really.  I am farther ahead than I usually am...LOL...

So I have several blank canvases to cover for this show but not as many as I usually do.  The advise I got last year that stuck with me was "go big or go home" HOPEFULLY it works..LOL. 
I have canvas to fill!!!!  Off to the studio to maybe pull and all nighter. 
Happy Creating!!!
Love Kathleen

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Holy Crap...I DID IT!!!

Oh ya, I have been quiet for several months on here because I was just plain TIRED.  Last year was crazy, but I learned A LOT.  I learned that I am no longer political, no longer have any world views, and no longer moved by anything in the press... LOL.. Okay so that is a total lie, but I have learned that this blog is only for the Euphoria Land of my art experiences and not for anything else... so if you are looking for rants, you won't find any here.  What you will find is lots of adventure, and funny stories about my art travels and experiences and the people I meet along the way.  What you will find on here is that I am focused like never before, and less foul for obvious reasons.  You will also see that this year, I AM going to be on here a lot more than before and I am going to stick to the bloggy blog thingy because I have FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO DO MY OWN PAGES!!!!!  WHOOOOHOOOO... OMG I AM SOOOO HAPPY I COULD JUST CRAP MY PANTS OR SOMETHING!!!  It is still not perfect, but I am finding my way. 

Check out the new pages...everything is finally coming together.  I have had to learn to say no, and learn to stay focused, and learn to stay POSITIVE.  This year is packed with stuff to do and I want to start telling you the story now, but it is 11:46 at night and I have been sitting here so long that my butt is asleep and I can no longer feel my feet.  15 hours is PLENTY of time on the computer for me... one more day of it and I think I will finally have my act together as far as the web stuff goes.  WHOOHOOO!!!    So....for now just go take a looksie at the new pages.  There will be more events, more classes, more traveling and more artwork on here before you know it. 

Happy Creating
Love Kathleen